hero image of gift coupons for waikiki aquarium


waikiki aquarium

home to aquatic life


I was a student intern at Waikiki Aquarium where I mainly produced print and design work. I stuck with a cute art style throughout my designs because it catered towards children and their parents.

indesign, illustrator, procreate

  • print
  • custom illustrations


mermaid cove gift shop sign

gift shop: mermaid cove

sea treasures gift shop sign

gift shop: sea treasures


donation poster
paint for your soul flyer

seasonal promos

holiday card

gift coupon

I created a coupon that promoted an ongoing holiday sale with a shark being the focal point of the design. I printed out hundreds of copies, laminated them, and proceeded to cut out the bottom corner in a shape of a shark bite. I made two versions, one with a santa hat and the other one without.

front view of holiday card

coupon without santa hat
(final design)

front view of holiday card

coupon with santa hat

entry door

This was a big project where I had to design a replacement for a broken entry door, which included the admissions and hours. I wanted to draw in onlookers by creating a lively and fun depiction of the underwater world.

v1 of entry door

design v1

final version of entry door

final design